I have used UE4 4.26 ndisplay launcher/ listener before to launch packaged projects but since 4.27 (including UE5) there is no ndisplay launcher/ listener and I couldn’t find any way to add .exe files to switchboard to launch exe file.
Can anyone help me with launching exe files with switchboard?
No, unfortunately I haven’t found any solution yet.
The only workaround i found was to run the packaged game with launch parameters from switchboard which will start the application with provided ndisplay cfg.
Thanks for the tip ppchavan, that put me in the right direction, and I’m now able to get my packaged UE5 app running with nDisplay
I simply used the “UE Command Line” contents from switchboard with the following modifications:
-Changed C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.0\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor.exe to name of packaged build executable.
-Changed -dc_cfg= to nDisplay config file exported from Unreal Editor.
Here’s an example of the launch command, which can be used in a batch script or run directly from a cmd window: start UNREAL_APP.exe "" -dc_cfg="NDC_CONFIG_FILE.ndisplay" -game -messaging -dc_cluster -nosplash -fixedseed -NoVerifyGC -noxrstereo -xrtrackingonly -RemoteControlIsHeadless -StageFriendlyName="Node_0" -dx11 -dc_dev_mono -useallavailablecores -dc_node=Node_0 Log=Node_0.log -ini:Engine:[/Script/Engine.Engine]:GameEngine=/Script/DisplayCluster.DisplayClusterGameEngine,[/Script/Engine.Engine]:GameViewportClientClassName=/Script/DisplayCluster.DisplayClusterViewportClient,[/Script/Engine.UserInterfaceSettings]:bAllowHighDPIInGameMode=True -ini:Game:[/Script/EngineSettings.GeneralProjectSettings]:bUseBorderlessWindow=True -handleensurepercent=0 -windowed -forceres WinX=0 WinY=0 ResX=3840 ResY=2160 -DPCVars="p.Chaos.Solver.Deterministic=1,r.Shadow.Virtual.Cache=0"
Hope this helps anyone else trying to figure this out!
I don’t remember completely, but a while back I had copied the listener and the switchboard along with all the requirements for this apps to work and was able to launch both of them in machines where I haven’t installed Unreal engine itself.
Hope trying this might help your requirement.
Hi I’ve tried your command with my preject and onfig path but it just opens up an explorer pointing to my system32 folder, there is probably something i’m not getting right, do you have an idea ?
Figured out how to make the script work across multiple systems!
All you need to do is set the outputs to be under different hosts in the nDisplay configurator in Unreal Editor, and set the IPs of your machines on the Details panel for each output!
Note, you can change the IPs after exporting by editing the .ndisplay file with a text editor and changing the ‘host’ values under the node object to your desired IPs:
Also, another thing I discovered is that you can run an executable using Switchboard directly by leaving the ‘uProject Path’ textbox blank, and entering the packaged exe path in the ‘nDisplay Executable Filename’ textbox in the Switchboard Settings window in the ‘nDisplay Settings’ section: