launcher not showing assets. epic directed me to unreal support.

Seemingly since the recent launcher update, my epic games launcher is unable to load my vault assets for unreal engine. Previously it would load my downloaded cache but not my non-downloaded assets. I would have to search for the asset via explorer then click open in launcher to get my assets to load, otherwise they would show up as unavailable. Also, in settings, under vault cache location, it is showing “Existing content at new locations will require a restart” though i have only downloaded cache into one folder. I tried clearing my vault cache and all plugins to see if it would help anything, but it did not work. I also tried several restarts and changing vault cache locations and restarting, also no change. Though after removing plugins from the engines, quixel bridge did manage to start showing up on boot, though vault is otherwise empty unless i search for an asset through explorer. I just now uninstalled and reinstalled the launcher (loosing all versions of unreal in the process) checking to make sure it didn’t leave any traces of the launcher behind. Still it shows the warning message and an empty vault. I am out of ideas here… and for some reason epic is sending me to unreal support??