Greeting everyone. I had my HDD filled with the UE4 content. So I went to Library. Then I checked the vault section to remove the samples. To my big surprise the triangle enxt to their name was greyed out so I can no longer remove them from the launcher. So I went to C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Launcher\VaultCache to remove VaultCache content. To my bigger surprise I couldn’t find all the content of the vault displayed in the launcher existing in that location. I removed what is there and restarted the launcher. I was still seeing all the vault’s samples with the triangle button to their names greyed out withith only the option to click on them either to create a project of them or to add them to a project while they aren’t on the hard drive anymore.
I redownloaded BlackJack and the triangle button is no longer greyed out and I could click on remove local content. To my biggest surprise when I clicked on that, the sample still stayed in the vault section and the triangle button is now greyed out again. And all the samples stay even after local content of them is removed. Instead of being removed from the vault section like before and like I used to see, well now they keep their icon and the option to create project of them or add them to a project. So now I don’t even know if the vault samples are downloaded or not each time I want to create a project of them or add them to a project.
I really hope you find a solution for that so I can delete the sample and their icons like before thus I can no longer get confused about their existence on my hard drive anymore. Thanks.