Launcher hangs

Unreal Engine Lanuncher hangs often for me.

It start OK and usually works fine for about 10 minutes. Then it stops responding. It uses about 50% of CPU when hung. Normally it’s about 5% (with spikes when switching tabs, loading marketplace, etc.).

The question is how do I make it behave?

Process Sample

Hi PointlessOne,

Could you provide your dxdiag (system specs)? Also, post your ‘Verbose Logs’. You can find them by following the 10 steps at the bottom of this link. They will help us investigate the issue.

I’m a mac user.

MacBook Pro (mid 2011), OS X 10.10.2. Full System Information

While I’m waiting for launcher to hang with verbose logs here are a few things I’ve found in regular logs: errors.

And here’s a full verbose log.

At the end it seem to have the same error as in those I’ve posted earlier.

Hi PointlessOne,

The issue you’re seeing is a known issue dealing with the launcher on Yosemite. These issues have fixes for them and they should be coming in the next Launcher update! If you are still experiencing these issues after the next launcher update comes out, please respond back to this thread!

-Max B.

Thank you.

I have a crash within the Editor, too. I searched the wiki but there seem to be no page for troubleshooting problems with the Editor. Could you please give me a link or any instructions on how to diagnose and report such a problem?

A few times automated reporting tool popped up so I guess you should have a report for it. But I also have a 100% repro for the problem which may help you solve it.

How should I go about it?

Hi PointlessOne,

Take a look at the link below. It has all of the info that you need in order to make a report. Once you make a new report in the Bug section, post a link to it here so we can find it easier.


Can’t wait the update!

Thank you.

Your issue is actually twofold, The first is that you’re actually getting a crash with the critical errors on the mouse movement events. The second is whats actually causing the freezing. It’s attempting to open the Crash Reporter window but is freezing up. This second part is specific to Yosemite but both of these issues should be coming with fixes in the update.

-Max B.