Using Mac OSX 10.10.1 with latest version of launcher, launcher will crash if it is doing something in background and I move mouse.
I can reproduce it about 90% of time by:
- Start a background process such as downloading a big thing like content examples, or creating a local shooter game from already downloaded copy in library.
- Move mouse, especially two finger scrolling on trackpad.
This usually happens when I start downloading something, and then I start browsing marketplace. crash is basically a beachball that lasts forever until I force-quit.
From UnrealEngineLauncher.log it appears to actually be something to do with mouse movement:
[2014.12.03-21.28.58:546][ 0]LogMac: === Critical error: ===
SIGSEGV: invalid attempt to access memory at address 0x0
[2014.12.03-21.28.58:546][ 0]LogMac: _ZN17FSlateApplication21ProcessMouseMoveEventER13FPointerEvent Address = 0x930c295 (filename not found) [in UnrealEngineLauncher-Mac-Shipping]
_ZN17FSlateApplication19SynthesizeMouseMoveEv Address = 0x930c138 (filename not found) [in UnrealEngineLauncher-Mac-Shipping]
_ZN17FSlateApplication4TickEv Address = 0x9300c7b (filename not found) [in UnrealEngineLauncher-Mac-Shipping]
_ZN12FApplication3RunEv Address = 0x8e29e61 (filename not found) [in UnrealEngineLauncher-Mac-Shipping]
_Z24UnrealEngineLauncherMainRK10TSharedRefI12FApplicationLN7ESPMode4TypeE0EE Address = 0x8e2c3a3 (filename not found) [in UnrealEngineLauncher-Mac-Shipping]
This was happening before I wiped my machine yesterday. After I erased my HD and re-installed OSX and everything from scratch (because of other reasons). Still this error happens, but it’s a clean install.
I sent a few crash reports to Apple, but I figured you aren’t checking them because you have your own crash report stuff that isn’t getting run. So I attached a copy of that in crash_1.txt I could upload rest of UnrealEngineLauncher.log if you need it.