Hi, I’m trying to use Unreal Engine.
- At first, I installed EpicGames Launcher.
- Click the Launcher and Launcher start to download something. (start with admin authority)
- After downloading, It verified itself. and start to install necessary programs.
- Launcher was gone.
- Try to start Launcher → I got error. “0xc00007b” (start with admin authority)
That’s my Problem. And you should know
- I already installed Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2005/2008/2010/2012/2013/2015 (x64, x86 both)
- DirectX is up-to-date. DirectX 12.
- I was reinstalled Graphic Card Driver. (Intel Graphics / NVIDIA GTX 970M)
- I am using Windows 10 64bit OS.
- I have DWalker Log, DirectX Log. Attached → Log File Download