According to the log the installation completed successfully.
However the EpicGamesLauncher.exe which is getting started subsequently just keeps ideling with ~25% cpu load and never shows the actual application window. According to procmon nothing happens registry/file/network-wise anymore after the first few seconds. The log of the launcher itself is just cut somewhere in the middle of a trace.
I tried deactivating firewall/antivir, restarting the launcher/machine multiple times (as admin), redownloading & reinstalling the whole thing on different partitions.
I attached my dxdiag and the launcher’s log.
Anything else I might try?
It was happening to me as well yesterday. I re installed it and also updated visual studio c++ to 2013 version. Now it shows the launcher login window but never connects. You can check my thread.
Try repairing VS c++ 2012 and 2013 and then run the launcher.
I had to go into safe mode. Reset Internet settings under advanced of Internet options.
Then I used ccleaner to remove temp files and clean the registry. After restart the launcher started, showed fully updated and now I am downloading the editor.
Yes and also trying to repair the 2012 version if installed. For that go to add remove program menu, scroll down to 2012 version and right click and select repair. Do the same with 2013 version just to be sure.
after repairing the vc++ above, uninstall epic launcher, then go to safe mode and follow the process above. Come back to normal mode, download the new msi ( do not use the old one) and see if it works. Make sure you use cccleaner to remove all temp and extra files from explorer, chrome and firefox and other important areas. Then clean the registry with cc cleaner. It worked for me
I tried all that, but nothing has changed…
There seems to be no new msi available. The newest one I just downloaded is still called “EpicGamesLauncherInstaller-2.0.1-2467307.msi”.
I don’t get why there’s no proper error message whatsoever in the log or anywhere…It’s just like the application entered an endless loop all of the sudden for some reason.
You’ve tried a lot of different suggestions so far. I’ll tun this by a member of our Launcher team as well.
In the meantime, one thing you can try is to make sure that your graphics card driver is up to date. Just make sure not to get the beta driver, they can sometimes be unstable.
Try right-clicking the Epic Games Launcher, select properties, under the shortcut tab add this to the end of the target file path: " -http=wininet" minus the quotations and make sure there’s a space between the file path and the dash. It should look like this:
According to the device manager my graphics card driver is up to date.
I’ve already read about the suggestion with the http-argument in the forums, however that didn’t help either.
Yes that was happening to me in start. I forgot to mention, I also made sure to go into firewall service both windows and other firewall software I have and give permission for connecting, manually.
Basically if your firewall is not giving you an alert that launcher is trying to connect, that means the network connection is not going through. It should give you an alert, unless manually allowed. Try this as well, I know it is very frustrating for not being able to start the engine.
Device manager might not give you right idea regarding update. Go to Nvidia site( or your graphic card site) and look for the latest drivers for your graphic card and compare with you current version installed.
Can you get us debug logs for your issue? You can find the steps to get the debug logs on at the bottom. Follow the “From Outside of the Launcher” set of steps to get them for your situation.