Launcher crashes

RI3DVIZ, have you tried reinstalling the Launcher yet and trying again? You shouldn’t need to refresh windows, we just wanted to make sure you didn’t have any redundant Launcher files hanging around on your system. It may also be worth cleaning out the temp files on your HDD too. Your original issue was with a broken partial engine download, so now that download shouldn’t exist anywhere then hopefully everything should be fine once you reinstall it.

If it’s still not working; in order to get more information on the crash we need to you append -debuglogging to the Launcher shortcut, info can be found here. When the Launcher does crash, and before you dismiss the crash dialog, there should be a crash .dmp file in the same folder as your log, you’ll need to upload that along with the log. We can’t determine the cause of the crash without this.

Additionally, if time is a constraint, I can attest that the github Unreal Engine build will work fine, you don’t need to use the Launcher if you just want to run the Unreal Engine.



Okay, I have tried again and again with the Launcher uninstalling and installing. I will try your latest suggestions then if that fails look into the githup solution.

Thanks and the others.

No go on reinstalling. This is the only log I could get, hope it helps.

That is your system specs which you included with your original post. Did the ’ -debuglogging’ not generate any new logs?

When the Launcher crashes you cannot access the menu through the gear Icon, see the jpeg I posted in this thread. When you click on the popup error message the program quits.

Is there another way to get that info?

You should be able to enable debug logging, select the Unreal Engine tab, crash the Launcher, reopen the Launcher, go to the Gear tab and select ‘Show Launcher Log’.

Then zip that folder and upload it here.

If for any reason that doesn’t work. You can use the ‘From Outside of the Launcher’ option here.

Is this what you need?

That looks to be the ones. I’ll let our Launcher team know and we hope to post back soon.

Okay thanks, I’d prefer not to do the Github thing if I don’t have to.


Can you try launching using the steps below and let me know if it allows you to fully load in?

  1. Launch Run (Hit the windows key, type in: run)
    2.enter: com.epicgames.launcher://ue/library

We’re investigating an issue and I think you might be affected by it.

It get’s to here again and crashes.

You’ll want to avoid the Community tab for now, but you should be able to launch with the above command and use the engine or launch a game.

We’re actively looking into the issue that some people are having with accessing the community page.

I don’t think you understand. I’m trying to download the engine - I am selecting the “Install Engine” tab - that is the screen that appears after hitting the desktop Epic Games shortcut.

Did you try the command that Steve provided above? It may possibly bypass the issue altogether by opening the Launcher directly to the Library tab.

Yes, I have tried everything suggested.


Folks are experiencing the same issue as you; it looked like they had to do a reinstall (sadly) for the command to work correctly.

Also, could you check and see if one of these dll exist on your PC for me?

  • C:\Windows\System32\LavasoftTcpService64.dll
  • C:\Windows\SysWOW64\LavasoftTcpService.dll

I’ll check out that thread, attached is a screen grab from my PC showing those .dll files are there.

A reinstall of Windows?!?! :open_mouth:


That is the core of the problem right there. LavaSoft inject into the TCP stack and actually crashes, which is what you’re experiencing. Sadly, users are reporting when straight removing those DLLs they have other problems.

We’ve been able to reproduce that and are working on getting steps together to help successfully remove those files and get your system working straight again.

Hopefully we can get the URI solution working for you for the time being.