Hello everyone. Thanks in advance for your help.
I’m trying to launch my project in Chrome, but It keeps crashing. I tried exporting in HTML5 (development mode) also and still get the same error.
When I launch it for Mozilla it works fine.
I have tried with a new project, no starter content, and still have the issue.
¿Is there any known bug with Chrome? The version im using is 61.0.3163.100 (Build oficial) (64 bits)
Here is my HTML5 config (I have tried with multiple configuration and still have the same problem)
Hope you can help me. Thanks!
Chrome is known to have trouble with memory usage, which can cause it to crash. Try making a Shipping build, make sure you are exporting to .wasm and not .asm.js, and set “Heap Size” to something smaller than 1GB, such as 768MB or 512MB, or perhaps even as small as 384MB or 256MB (depending on how much content your game has). There are some memory knobs in the generated .html file to play with as well.
Reducing the number of assets in the project can help also to reduce memory usage. Try out with a tiny project without starter content, to have minimal .data file size to start with.
Thanks for your answer. It was really helpful. After reinstalling Unreal Engine and Chrome, I tried building it for shipping with the heap size reduced and I also unchecked the box “Compress files…” (and also “Download maps on the fly”) and it works but I can’t change the exporting configuration to .wasm from asm.js…it said that I need a “Github source” …Does this mean that I have to download Unreal Engine from github or that I need a Github repository connected to source control? The documentation is not clear on that point
Ah, it’s possible that the latest prebuilt UE4 engine release does not yet have wasm export capability. The reference to GitHub means rebuilding the UE4 engine from scratch from sources at GitHub. Hopefully the next release would have all the needed bits bundled for WebAssembly export, so one will not need to manually build from sources anymore.
Ever since 4.17.2 I’ve been getting this too. Not sure if it’s 4.17.2 or there was a new version of Chrome within the last day or two. I’m going to file a bug report on this.
Hey juj! Thank you very much for your help. I’m now using the 4.18 preview version and the shipping works great! (wasm export is the default export on this version).
I manage to reduce the size of my exported folder to less than 150mb and works in Chrome and Mozilla, but the shipping process demanded a lot from my computer (100% memory use)…maybe because wasm is still experimental, I guess.
Thanks again for your help!
Hello! I’m now using the 4.18 and the shipping (using wams) works fine…but It really pushes your PC to the limit…at least in my computer It went to 100% memory use.
Also, if you want to continue using the 4.17 try changing the HTML5 configuration…reducing heap size, unchecking the box “Download maps on the fly”. It worked for me.