Launch wishlist page without price for premium game?

We understand we need to create an offer with price tier before launching a withlist page. Will this price be displayed on the storefront immediately? Our product price isn’t final yet and we’d like to keep it private for now.


I understand you’re trying to set up an offer page that doesn’t necessarily display the price immediately but is still available on the Epic Games Store to wishlist before it’s fully released.

To accomplish this, you can publish your game’s offer in a “Coming Soon” state, which doesn’t display the price until the game is available for purchase.

To publish your game’s offer in a “Coming Soon” state, you’ll want to set the Launch Date for your game to be anything but Specific. If it’s set to an Estimated or Unknown launch date when the game is pushed to the Live sandbox, your store page will show as “Coming Soon” and won’t display the price until you push a Specific Launch Date to the Live sandbox.

I hope this information is helpful! Let me know if you have any additional questions!