Launch on iOS device failed

I created a new project from a template “Third Persion”. Then, I refer to [iOS quick start] document, and follow IPhonePackager.exe created .key file and .mobileprovision file. Evenrything is OK and vaild . I press the Lauch all ios device button. It failed.

but I package the project, it works. I succeed in packaging Ipa file on my computer.

my UE4 vision is 4.21. my device is IphoneX. IOS vision is 12.12. my PC system is Windows10

Please help thanks.

attached is the log file.

LogPlayLevel: ********** PACKAGE COMMAND COMPLETED **********
LogPlayLevel: ********** DEPLOY COMMAND STARTED **********
LogPlayLevel: Running: D:\Epic Games\UE_4.21\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\IOS\DeploymentServer.exe Install -ipa "D:\unrealFL\del\Binaries\IOS\del.ipa" -device All_iOS_On_DESKTOP-NNV5621 -additionalcommandline "-SessionId=40A2D68F48E3E34DFC2628B47C8A2378 -SessionOwner="34383" -SessionName="Launch On Device"  "
LogPlayLevel:   [deploy] Created deployment server.
LogPlayLevel:   δ��������쳣:  System.DllNotFoundException: �޷����� DLL��MobileDevice.dll��: �ܾ����ʡ� (�쳣���� HRESULT:0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))��
LogPlayLevel:      �� Manzana.MobileDeviceWiniTunes12.AMDeviceMethods.AMDeviceNotificationSubscribe(DeviceNotificationCallback callback, UInt32 unused1, UInt32 unused2, UInt32 unused3, IntPtr& am_device_notification_ptr)
LogPlayLevel:      �� Manzana.MobileDeviceWiniTunes12.AMDeviceMethods.NotificationSubscribe(DeviceNotificationCallback DeviceCallbackHandle) λ�� D:\Build\++UE4\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\IOS\MobileDeviceInterface\MobileDevice.cs:�к� 2382
LogPlayLevel:      �� Manzana.MobileDeviceWiniTunes12.NotificationSubscribe(DeviceNotificationCallback DeviceCallbackHandle) λ�� D:\Build\++UE4\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\IOS\MobileDeviceInterface\MobileDevice.cs:�к� 1981
LogPlayLevel:      �� Manzana.MobileDeviceInstanceManager.Initialize(ConnectEventHandler myConnectHandler, ConnectEventHandler myDisconnectHandler) λ�� D:\Build\++UE4\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\IOS\MobileDeviceInterface\MobileDeviceInstance.cs:�к� 104
LogPlayLevel:      �� DeploymentServer.DeploymentImplementation..ctor() λ�� D:\Build\++UE4\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\IOS\DeploymentServer\DeployTime.cs:�к� 146
LogPlayLevel:      �� DeploymentServer.Program.Main(String[] args) λ�� D:\Build\++UE4\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\IOS\DeploymentServer\Program.cs:�к� 54
LogPlayLevel: Took 2.724921s to run DeploymentServer.exe, ExitCode=-532462766
LogPlayLevel: Error: ERROR: Command failed (Result:-532462766): D:\Epic Games\UE_4.21\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\IOS\DeploymentServer.exe Install -ipa "D:\unrealFL\del\Binaries\IOS\del.ipa" -device All_iOS_On_DESKTOP-NNV5621 -additionalcommandline "-SessionId=40A2D68F48E3E34DFC2628B47C8A2378 -SessionOwner="34383" -SessionName="Launch On Device"  ". See logfile f
or details: 'DeploymentServer-2019.02.12-14.50.32.txt'
LogPlayLevel:        (see C:\Users\34383\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\D+Epic+Games+UE_4.21\Log.txt for full exception trace)
LogPlayLevel: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=-532462766 (-532462766)
LogPlayLevel: Completed Launch On Stage: Deploy Task, Time: 13.024091
PackagingResults: Error: Deployment failed! Unknown Error


I have the same problem and did not find any relevant help. Have you ever found a solution?

Thanks a lot. Vladimir

Hello, I found a solution!
Problem is in iTunes. Please don’t install iTunes from Microsoft store !!!
IOS launch with iTunes downloaded directly from Apple site works without any problems.

Hey Vladimir Bronis ! I think you are right. The problem is with the itunes downloaded from Microsoft Store. But now i an unable to download itunes from apple’s official website, as it is referring Microsoft store only. Can you give me the link or zip file of itunes from apple website.

Not sure if you resolved your issue but I had the same problem. You can download non windows store version from the standard itunes download page, by using the links under “Looking for other versions?”.

Alternatively (and I’ve not tested this myself) there is a section in the unreal docs regarding this.

Uninstalling the Microsoft store version of iTunes and reinstalling iTunes downloaded from the Apple website fixed the build failed error for me! Thank you!

i made a bunch of tutorials to walk through how to fix all the errors when trying to launch to your ios device Unreal Packaging for IOS Tutorial: How To Fix Provision Not Found Error - YouTube granted I was using a mac for these but they should still help your issue