Launch Game Crashes on Startup 4.14

My project is crashing immediately when trying to use Launch Game or Play in Standalone. At first I thought it might have to do with the FMOD plugin, but it still crashes after being disabled. Opening the project through the editor works fine.


These are the only issues that I’ve found, but I’m not even sure how to go about solving them.

  • LogDerivedDataCache: Unable to find inner node Pak for hierarchical cache Hierarchy.
  • LogDerivedDataCache: FDerivedDataBackendGraph: Pak pak cache file …/…/…/…/…/SolarPurge_Depot_SlaveI/DerivedDataCache/DDC.ddp not found, will not use a pak cache.
  • LogDerivedDataCache: FDerivedDataBackendGraph: CompressedPak pak cache file …/…/…/…/…/SolarPurge_Depot_SlaveI/DerivedDataCache/Compressed.ddp not found, will not use a pak cache.
  • LogDerivedDataCache: Unable to find inner node CompressedPak for hierarchical cache Hierarchy.
  • LogWindowsMoviePlayer: Unable to load movie: …/…/…/…/…/SolarPurge_Depot_SlaveI/Content/Movies/Default_Startup.mp4
  • LogHMD: Failed to initialize OpenVR with code 100

The project is not using VR, so I would assume that the OpenVR should be disabled by default. As far as the missing startup movie, that file does not exist. Then the pak cache… I’m not exactly sure what this is for.

Any help would be appreciated!

Hello renderman09,

You mention that it crashes when you launch the game or play in standalone. When the crash occurs, does a Crash Reporter window appear? If so, can you provide the callstack (copy/pasting is preferred, since text can’t be easily extracted from a picture) from the reporter window? Including your LoginID would be helpful as well, as well as submitting the crash report. This will allow me to search through our database for similar crashes and give more context on why this is occurring.

Also, have you successfully launched / played in standalone before? If so, what kind of changes have been made since then?

Well I ended up finding the culprit…it was a blueprint with a null reference. At least now I know where to look for errors in the callstack! Thanks again!