Launch fails no matter what. Help!

I can’t launch my app on my iPhone 7. Everything was working fine on my iOS launch until yesterday. I’m not sure why but I keep on getting the same error. I tried creating a new app id and a new mobile provision.

  LogPlayLevel: DeploymentServer: [DD]  ... Error: Failed to connect to bundle 'com.mygame.'

    LogPlayLevel: env:    2   DTDeviceKitBase                     0x000000011a21f441 -[DTDKMobileDeviceToken mountDeveloperDiskImage:withError:] + 782

    LogPlayLevel: env:    3   DTDeviceKitBase                     0x000000011a21fcf8 -[DTDKMobileDeviceToken mountDeveloperDiskImageWithError:] + 488

    LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception: AutomationTool.AutomationException: CodeSign Failed

    LogPlayLevel: RunUAT ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully.
    PackagingResults: Error: Launch failed! Failed to Code Sign

I tried installing the latest xcode (9).

I’m using a MacBook Pro.

I have UE4 4.17.2.

I’m uploading my output log here.

I’m also uploading a screen shot of the iOS settings.

I would really really appreciate any help.


I realised it is about enabling non-default plugins.
Can someone help me with that?

No matter what plugin, if it is dlsabled when the project is first created, when ai wnable it I can’t launch my project.

Please help

Are you sure that bundle “com.mygame.” is correct? Try something built with three words like “com.mygame.something”.

Thanks for your reply.

I tried it, still doesn’t works.

I created an empty scene. I enabled ‘Mobile Location Services - IOS Implementation’ plugin. And I get this error,

Here are the Error Lines:

LogPlayLevel: Failed to connect to bundle ‘com…empty418’ with Unknown error 0xE80000B7

LogPlayLevel: [DD] … Error: Failed to connect to bundle ‘com…empty418’

LogPlayLevel: /Users//Documents/Unreal Projects/empty418/Binaries/IOS/Payload/ unknown error -1=ffffffffffffffff

LogPlayLevel: ERROR: CodeSign Failed

LogPlayLevel: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=32 (Error_FailedToCodeSign)

LogPlayLevel: RunUAT ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully.

PackagingResults: Error: Launch failed! Failed to Code Sign

Here are the IOS and Packaging Settings Screen Shots:

Same here.

Hi BillBeob,

I deleted, Saved, Intermediate, Binaries files from the project directory and it worked like a charm after many days of frustration.
Hop this helps:)

Thanx !!

I did the same as you and it worked!!

I wonder why though…?!