Launch failed with some plugins.

Let me be upfront, I am not a programmer. Please explain to me why adding some plugins on Windows (10) prevents to quick launch from working. For example Niagara Fluids. It works fine in editor window play but when I go to quick launch to build and launch it separately it fails with PackagingResults: Error: Launch failed! Missing UnrealGame binary.

I noticed many plugins do this, I believe Modeling Tools too.

Is it because they are experimental / beta or is there something else? What is the solution to this?

Try going to project settings > packaging > project > Build change to always

see it that works

Nope, still fails.

Alright, I got it.

For some reason many official plugins break quick launch build. I am talking platforms>computer name.

However going platform>windows>package project and building it that way in some other folder fixes premanently the quick launch version of platform>computer name in its default folder.

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