Launch Error : ImageWrapperModule was nullptr

Hello, so I was following this tutorial here to load images from disk outside of the project and I just had to tweak around a bit to get it working for 4.19 as it seems some of the headers were deprecated. The project builds and compiles without any errors and I am able to play in the editor as well but when I try to package and launch it gives me a vague launch failed error. Upon debugging the application I found out the actual error was “ImageWrapperModule was nullptr”. I am unable to figure out what could be causing this error, here is the final code I am trying to run.

// This includes the precompiled header. Change this to whatever is relevant for your project.
#include "ImageLoader.h"
#include "VisualizerSample.h"
#include "Runtime/ImageWrapper/Public/IImageWrapper.h"
#include "RenderUtils.h"
#include "Engine/Texture2D.h"
#include "ModuleManager.h"
#include "Async.h"
#include "FileHelper.h"
#include "Future.h"
#include "Runtime/ImageWrapper/Public/IImageWrapperModule.h"

// Change the UE_LOG log category name below to whichever log category you want to use.
#define UIL_LOG(Verbosity, Format, ...)	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Verbosity, Format, __VA_ARGS__)

// Module loading is not allowed outside of the main thread, so we load the ImageWrapper module ahead of time.
static IImageWrapperModule& ImageWrapperModule = FModuleManager::Get().LoadModuleChecked<IImageWrapperModule>(FName("ImageWrapper"));

bool UImageLoader::GetFiles(TArray<FString>& Files, FString RootFolderFullPath, FString Ext)
	if (RootFolderFullPath.Len() < 1) return false;
	IFileManager& FileManager = IFileManager::Get();
	if (Ext == "")
		Ext = "*.*";
		Ext = (Ext.Left(1) == ".") ? "*" + Ext : "*." + Ext;
	FString FinalPath = RootFolderFullPath + "/" + Ext;
	FileManager.FindFiles(Files, *FinalPath, true, false);
	return true;

UImageLoader* UImageLoader::LoadImageFromDiskAsync(UObject* Outer, const FString& ImagePath)
	// This simply creates a new ImageLoader object and starts an asynchronous load.
	UImageLoader* Loader = NewObject<UImageLoader>();
	Loader->LoadImageAsync(Outer, ImagePath);
	return Loader;

void UImageLoader::LoadImageAsync(UObject* Outer, const FString& ImagePath)
	// The asynchronous loading operation is represented by a Future, which will contain the result value once the operation is done.
	// We store the Future in this object, so we can retrieve the result value in the completion callback below.
	Future = LoadImageFromDiskAsync(Outer, ImagePath, [this]()
		// This is the same Future object that we assigned above, but later in time.
		// At this point, loading is done and the Future contains a value.
		if (Future.IsValid())
			// Notify listeners about the loaded texture on the game thread.
			AsyncTask(ENamedThreads::GameThread, [this]() { LoadCompleted.Broadcast(Future.Get()); });

TFuture<UTexture2D*> UImageLoader::LoadImageFromDiskAsync(UObject* Outer, const FString& ImagePath, TFunction<void()> CompletionCallback)
	// Run the image loading function asynchronously through a lambda expression, capturing the ImagePath string by value.
	// Run it on the thread pool, so we can load multiple images simultaneously without interrupting other tasks.
	return Async<UTexture2D*>(EAsyncExecution::ThreadPool, [=]() { return LoadImageFromDisk(Outer, ImagePath); }, CompletionCallback);

UTexture2D* UImageLoader::LoadImageFromDisk(UObject* Outer, const FString& ImagePath)
	// Check if the file exists first
	if (!FPaths::FileExists(ImagePath))
		UIL_LOG(Error, TEXT("File not found: %s"), *ImagePath);
		return nullptr;

	// Load the compressed byte data from the file
	TArray<uint8> FileData;
	if (!FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(FileData, *ImagePath))
		UIL_LOG(Error, TEXT("Failed to load file: %s"), *ImagePath);
		return nullptr;

	// Detect the image type using the ImageWrapper module
	EImageFormat ImageFormat = ImageWrapperModule.DetectImageFormat(FileData.GetData(), FileData.Num());
	if (ImageFormat == EImageFormat::Invalid)
		UIL_LOG(Error, TEXT("Unrecognized image file format: %s"), *ImagePath);
		return nullptr;

	// Create an image wrapper for the detected image format
	TSharedPtr<IImageWrapper> ImageWrapper = ImageWrapperModule.CreateImageWrapper(ImageFormat);
	if (!ImageWrapper.IsValid())
		UIL_LOG(Error, TEXT("Failed to create image wrapper for file: %s"), *ImagePath);
		return nullptr;

	// Decompress the image data
	const TArray<uint8>* RawData = nullptr;
	ImageWrapper->SetCompressed(FileData.GetData(), FileData.Num());
	ImageWrapper->GetRaw(ERGBFormat::BGRA, 8, RawData);
	if (RawData == nullptr)
		UIL_LOG(Error, TEXT("Failed to decompress image file: %s"), *ImagePath);
		return nullptr;

	// Create the texture and upload the uncompressed image data
	FString TextureBaseName = TEXT("Texture_") + FPaths::GetBaseFilename(ImagePath);
	return CreateTexture(Outer, *RawData, ImageWrapper->GetWidth(), ImageWrapper->GetHeight(), EPixelFormat::PF_B8G8R8A8, FName(*TextureBaseName));

UTexture2D* UImageLoader::CreateTexture(UObject* Outer, const TArray<uint8>& PixelData, int32 InSizeX, int32 InSizeY, EPixelFormat InFormat, FName BaseName)
	// Shamelessly copied from UTexture2D::CreateTransient with a few modifications
	if (InSizeX <= 0 || InSizeY <= 0 ||
		(InSizeX % GPixelFormats[InFormat].BlockSizeX) != 0 ||
		(InSizeY % GPixelFormats[InFormat].BlockSizeY) != 0)
		UIL_LOG(Warning, TEXT("Invalid parameters specified for UImageLoader::CreateTexture()"));
		return nullptr;

	// Most important difference with UTexture2D::CreateTransient: we provide the new texture with a name and an owner
	FName TextureName = MakeUniqueObjectName(Outer, UTexture2D::StaticClass(), BaseName);
	UTexture2D* NewTexture = NewObject<UTexture2D>(Outer, TextureName, RF_Transient);

	NewTexture->PlatformData = new FTexturePlatformData();
	NewTexture->PlatformData->SizeX = InSizeX;
	NewTexture->PlatformData->SizeY = InSizeY;
	NewTexture->PlatformData->PixelFormat = InFormat;

	// Allocate first mipmap and upload the pixel data
	int32 NumBlocksX = InSizeX / GPixelFormats[InFormat].BlockSizeX;
	int32 NumBlocksY = InSizeY / GPixelFormats[InFormat].BlockSizeY;
	FTexture2DMipMap* Mip = new(NewTexture->PlatformData->Mips) FTexture2DMipMap();
	Mip->SizeX = InSizeX;
	Mip->SizeY = InSizeY;
	void* TextureData = Mip->BulkData.Realloc(NumBlocksX * NumBlocksY * GPixelFormats[InFormat].BlockBytes);
	FMemory::Memcpy(TextureData, PixelData.GetData(), PixelData.Num());

	return NewTexture;

This is working for me.

// This includes the precompiled header. Change this to whatever is relevant for your project.
#include "Project.h"

#include "ImageLoader.h"
#include "Runtime/ImageWrapper/Public/IImageWrapper.h"//#include "IImageWrapper.h"
#include "Runtime/ImageWrapper/Public/IImageWrapperModule.h"
#include "Runtime/RenderCore/Public/RenderUtils.h"
#include "Engine/Texture2D.h"

// Change the UE_LOG log category name below to whichever log category you want to use.

#define UIL_LOG(Verbosity, Format, ...) UE_LOG(LogTemp, Verbosity, Format, __VA_ARGS__)

// Module loading is not allowed outside of the main thread, so we load the ImageWrapper module ahead of time. 
//static IImageWrapperModule& ImageWrapperModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<IImageWrapperModule>(TEXT("ImageWrapper"));
static IImageWrapperModule& ImageWrapperModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<IImageWrapperModule>(FName("ImageWrapper"));
UImageLoader* UImageLoader::LoadImageFromDiskAsync(UObject* Outer, const FString& ImagePath) { // This simply creates a new ImageLoader object and starts an asynchronous load. 
UImageLoader* Loader = NewObject<UImageLoader>(); 
Loader->LoadImageAsync(Outer, ImagePath); 
return Loader; }
void UImageLoader::LoadImageAsync(UObject* Outer, const FString& ImagePath) { // The asynchronous loading operation is represented by a Future, which will contain the result value once the operation is done. // We store the Future in this object, so we can retrieve the result value in the completion callback below. 
Future = LoadImageFromDiskAsync(Outer, ImagePath, [this]() { // This is the same Future object that we assigned above, but later in time. // At this point, loading is done and the Future contains a value. 
if (Future.IsValid()) { // Notify listeners about the loaded texture on the game thread. 
AsyncTask(ENamedThreads::GameThread, [this]() { LoadCompleted.Broadcast(Future.Get()); }); } }); }

TFuture<UTexture2D*> UImageLoader::LoadImageFromDiskAsync(UObject* Outer, const FString& ImagePath, TFunction<void()> CompletionCallback) { // Run the image loading function asynchronously through a lambda expression, capturing the ImagePath string by value. // Run it on the thread pool, so we can load multiple images simultaneously without interrupting other tasks. 
return Async<UTexture2D*>(EAsyncExecution::ThreadPool, [=]() { return LoadImageFromDisk(Outer, ImagePath); }, CompletionCallback); }

UTexture2D* UImageLoader::LoadImageFromDisk(UObject* Outer, const FString& ImagePath) { // Check if the file exists first 
if (!FPaths::FileExists(ImagePath)) { UIL_LOG(Error, TEXT("File not found: %s"), *ImagePath); 
return nullptr; }

// Load the compressed byte data from the file 
TArray<uint8> FileData; 
if (!FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(FileData, *ImagePath)) { UIL_LOG(Error, TEXT("Failed to load file: %s"), *ImagePath); 
return nullptr; }

// Detect the image type using the ImageWrapper module 
EImageFormat ImageFormat = ImageWrapperModule.DetectImageFormat(FileData.GetData(), FileData.Num()); 
if (ImageFormat == EImageFormat::Invalid) { 
UIL_LOG(Error, TEXT("Unrecognized image file format: %s"), *ImagePath); 
return nullptr; }

// Create an image wrapper for the detected image format 
TSharedPtr<IImageWrapper> ImageWrapper = ImageWrapperModule.CreateImageWrapper(ImageFormat); 
if (!ImageWrapper.IsValid()) { UIL_LOG(Error, TEXT("Failed to create image wrapper for file: %s"), *ImagePath); 
return nullptr; }

// Decompress the image data 
const TArray<uint8>* RawData = nullptr; 
ImageWrapper->SetCompressed(FileData.GetData(), FileData.Num()); 
ImageWrapper->GetRaw(ERGBFormat::BGRA, 8, RawData); 
if (RawData == nullptr) { UIL_LOG(Error, TEXT("Failed to decompress image file: %s"), *ImagePath); 
return nullptr; }

// Create the texture and upload the uncompressed image data 
FString TextureBaseName = TEXT("Texture_") + FPaths::GetBaseFilename(ImagePath); 
return CreateTexture(Outer, *RawData, ImageWrapper->GetWidth(), ImageWrapper->GetHeight(), EPixelFormat::PF_B8G8R8A8, FName(*TextureBaseName)); }

UTexture2D* UImageLoader::CreateTexture(UObject* Outer, const TArray<uint8>& PixelData, int32 InSizeX, int32 InSizeY, EPixelFormat InFormat, FName BaseName) { // Shamelessly copied from UTexture2D::CreateTransient with a few modifications 
if (InSizeX <= 0 || InSizeY <= 0 || (InSizeX % GPixelFormats[InFormat].BlockSizeX) != 0 || (InSizeY % GPixelFormats[InFormat].BlockSizeY) != 0) { UIL_LOG(Warning, TEXT("Invalid parameters specified for UImageLoader::CreateTexture()")); 
return nullptr; }

// Most important difference with UTexture2D::CreateTransient: we provide the new texture with a name and an owner 
FName TextureName = MakeUniqueObjectName(Outer, UTexture2D::StaticClass(), BaseName); 
UTexture2D* NewTexture = NewObject<UTexture2D>(Outer, TextureName, RF_Transient);

NewTexture->PlatformData = new FTexturePlatformData(); 
NewTexture->PlatformData->SizeX = InSizeX; 
NewTexture->PlatformData->SizeY = InSizeY; 
NewTexture->PlatformData->PixelFormat = InFormat;

// Allocate first mipmap and upload the pixel data 
int32 NumBlocksX = InSizeX / GPixelFormats[InFormat].BlockSizeX; 
int32 NumBlocksY = InSizeY / GPixelFormats[InFormat].BlockSizeY; 
FTexture2DMipMap* Mip = new(NewTexture->PlatformData->Mips) FTexture2DMipMap(); 
Mip->SizeX = InSizeX; 
Mip->SizeY = InSizeY; 
void* TextureData = Mip->BulkData.Realloc(NumBlocksX * NumBlocksY * GPixelFormats[InFormat].BlockBytes); 
FMemory::Memcpy(TextureData, PixelData.GetData(), PixelData.Num()); 

return NewTexture; 

I ran into the same issue, but the above fix did not work for me.

Apparently making this call:
IImageWrapperModule& ImageWrapperModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked(FName(“ImageWrapper”));

as a static variable failed. I moved the call to the function call where it was used and the crash went away. Apparently doing the call that early doesn’t work in subsequent versions of Unreal.