Latest update broke Verse?

After downloading the latest update, I opened one of my maps, and it completely broke all the Verse devices. When I opened VSCode, everything that was working before turned red. And I’m not just talking about my own code – even the UnrealEngine.digest.verse and Verse.digest.verse files have broken lines that we can’t even edit. Like, what are we supposed to do now? Will you be fixing this, or will we need to reconnect everything in our maps after you fix the broken digest files?

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Hello, welcome to the Forums.

This is a known issue, but it’s described as ‘non impactful’

Are you still able to open your island and launch a session?

I don’t understand how this can be “non impactful” if it literally broke all verse devices on most of my islands. I either need to wait for a fix which will allow the verse to recompile like it should or I’ll need to reconnect ALL the verse devices. Dozens of them.
Is there a way to fix it without having to waste weeks to reconnect all the verse devices again?
And no I can’t launch the session since all devices are broken.

Having the same problem, I posted a bug report too

You have issues in your Vote_Manager file

Experiencing issues here too, I notice now my verse file doesn’t like where I used tool tips in my editable variables. Before the update they all compiled fine

@DogOnAKeyboard13 A temporary fix to this is to just move the messages outside of class scope, it should help getting your verse code to compile.


Thanks for the idea! It’s just I have a LOT of tips and categories defined like this, so would take a minute lol. Is that usually best practice to make tool tips and categories outside the class for an in-class editable or there’s normally no preference?

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