Latest github versions have a memory leak

Hello everyone,
I would like to report that the for the past 3 days all master branch versions cause my system to run out of RAM(16GB) and windows pops up that exclamation mark warning that says to kill unreal in order to save memory. Even before i click it, windows has already killed the process without crash reporter showing up. There must be a memory leak or something. (paper2d project)

Another thing i noticed is that scalar parameters do not work with HUD anymore but i cant give you any more information because after 5 minutes unreal crashes and i do not have time to investigate.


Screenshot 2015-05-30 00.14.06.png

Same today with the latest promoted. When i tried to compile my game as “development win 64” after a few minutes i got this :

Screenshot 2015-06-03 15.13.39.png

And my desktop froze, with widows shutting down everything that was running in the background.

Sounds bad…Can you please post this on AnswerHub]( (under Bugs Reports section) with your logs and dump files? This will greatly help Epic to track and fix this issue asap.

You can find Logs (.log) and Dump (.dmp) files under Your Project/Saved/Logs folder.