Latest 4.9 update set every default ENUM property on every blueprint in the project to INVALID

Latest 4.9 update set every default ENUM property on every blueprint in the project to INVALID.

Seemed fine once I’d set the values again.

Hi SIGage,

Thank you for the report. I attempted to reproduce this in a new blank project but I couldn’t get your results. Could you create a test project that I can convert and upload it here?

I’ve upgraded the project now so I don’t think there’s a nice way to roll back to give you what I had.

The project was last saved in the previous version of 4.9 and had been upgraded to that from 4.8.2.

On a possibly related note, no pins appear on the left-hand side of the “Blend Poses (Enum name)” node in the Anim Graph editor. I’ve worked around it but that’s the only thing I couldn’t restore as it was after the conversion. It’s probably nothing to do with it but I figured it was worth mentioning in case the way the editor handles Enums had somehow changed in general.

I’ll resolve this report for now but in the meantime I’ll keep looking for other post about this error. It’s likely related to a minor change between preview builds and since they are meant for testing purposes only, some issues are expected.

If the issues happens again once you upgrade to the official 4.9 release, post back here to let us know.



Ok, thanks