Last Breath on Angel Island - Unreal Challenge: Creep It Real

Last Breath on Angel Island

Student Submission: Yes

Credits to sourced content:
Infinity Blade: Effects - Epic Games
Infinity Blade: Grasslands - Epic Games
Horror Dining Room - Tim Hertel
Good Sky - Uneasy Game Dev

Rowing Sound -
Wave Sound -
Wood Creak -
Walking Sound -
Chair Sound - Freesound - lezaarth
Horn -
Breath - Freesound - pfranzen
Background Sound - Freesound - Zat_Dude
Drop Wood Sound -

For those with memories to spare, the journey always ends at Angel Island, judged by the light givers.

Engine version 5.0.3


Hi there @WWatson,

Hope you’re doing well :slight_smile:

“For those with memories to spare, the journey always ends at Angel Island, guarded by the light givers.”

The breath at the end of the video was chilling. Is there a story behind the video or more to it that we should know?

Hi! Thank you for your comment! While creating this short video, I was imagining all the different media that had a character finally reach the end of a life-long journey, and how they may perceive it in their mind, different to what we see. To me, this video represents the end of a man’s life, but he perceives it as finally reaching the angels that would usually take people to heaven, but instead they leave without him with the memory of his family, represented by the photo frame, as his world becomes dark before taking his final breath.

That was the story I gave myself to tell in the footage, and my personal goal was to see if I could make that clear enough in the video without giving context, though in retrospect an explanation would have likely been only beneficial :sweat_smile:

Thanks again!