Laser sight jitter on X axis input

Hi Guys,

I am experiencing some weird jitter with my laser sight when X axis input is used (mouse / controller). I followed this tutorial (- YouTube) and the only thing I did differently was bound the laser update event tick to the weapon blueprint instead of the character blueprint. I did some testing with auto rotating the character in a loop and the jitter does not appear. This leads me to believe that this is a input issue but can’t seem to track it down. Any help would be appreciated.

Auto Rotating:

Manual Rotating:

Weapon Blueprint Update Tick (Laser Sight Position):

Character Movement Input:

Solved the issue. I found this post Flying demo causes lag, which explains that the spring arm movement is calculated based upon frame rate!

What I did was enable Camera lag in the ‘Lag’ details section of the spring arm component as well as adjusting the camera lag speed. This almost eliminated the jitter but the controls aren’t as responsive :|.