Laser sight blurring on character rotation

As shown in the picture, I have a laser beam made in the particle system. It works fine when I’m stationary or moving forward/backwards. but when I strafe or rotate it kinda…blurs.

I’m using a line trace off tick to determine the source/target points of the beam.

I’m not sure what’s causing it, anyone know/can point me in the right direction?

Motion blur isn’t enabled.

“blurry” isn’t a great description, but idk how else to describe it…The spawner is vibrating maybe?

Here’s a gif of the issue.
Potato gif

Turn it on and set it to 0.

Go into your player camera and turn off motion blur.

Yeah, that fixed it. Weirdness.


Yeah, it uses the default/current value even when it’s off or something. I’m not sure if UE4 offers any more control over motion blur but I found this in the marketplace, it might be useful. Custom Motion Blur in Visual Effects - UE Marketplace