Large planet sized static meshes don’t load with world partition in packaged game

I have a 100km radius planet which is assigned to a data layer and a separate grid with cell size 250km and loading area 500km. The data layer is set to be always loaded.

I’ve also placed various static meshes around assigned to a separate smaller grid.
While playing in-editor everything works fine but when I run it as standalone, or on windows machine, or package it; only the smaller grid’s objects load on play (as per their distance from the character but the planet mesh always stay unloaded.

I’ve tried making the planet specific data layer as runtime and tried to load it using a trigger, set it to always loaded, disabled streaming in world partition settings but nothing works; the planet mesh never loads. I’m running out of ideas and would greatly appreciate any input on this.

Hello, did you sort this out? The developer of Solara, @lowpoly_nomad , seems to have managed it somehow.