Large Performance Regression in UE5 (CPU Performance)

Thanks for the reply it’s not the reason for the huge performance regression from 5.2 to 5.3, the VSM was set to shadow maps and not using virtual shadow maps for both the 5.2 and 5.3 versions of the same project, the shadows resolution could be the difference but need more testing.
5.3 is too lagging for most cases other than video rendering, waiting for the official 5.4 version to be released, should test some environments from the store with popular settings and return to the similar performance of earlier versions.
Tested several example projects from market place and compared their performance between 5.2 and 5.3, some of the well optimized maps actually get performance boost from 5.2 to 5.3 e.g. Modular Gothic, after setting the default RHI from default to DX11, and the reason is apparently DX12 that’s much slower and more buggy than DX11.
Some of the not optimized environments get huge fps drop from 5.2 to 5.3.
These slow environments generally have more than thousands of actors in the scene, not using enough lods and using too many materials and material slots, seems the draw calls are more expensive in 5.3.
It’s quite disappointing that while the stylish environments get performance boost from 5.2 to 5.3, the better looking and more realistic environments generally get large fps drop from 5.2 to 5.3 even when they’re optimized.
They probably messed some code in 5.3 to cater for the buggy and much slower DX12.
Would suggest keep using 5.2 and DX 11 with SM5, unless really need the advanced PCG from 5.3 and other newest features.

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no you must have some sort of issues or settings that changed somewhere because i have slightly better performances in 5.3 over 5.2 in many content exemples/unreal projects exemples.
Moreover sometimes Epic changes some default settings.

Content examples have Lumen and Nanite turned on, Lumen and Nanite were improved from 5.3
My tests were done with these features off, configured for games that need performance
Lumen, Nanite, Mesh Distance Fields, Temporal Super Resolution, Virtual Shadow Map,
Tested with these turned off for both versions and UE5.2 with DX11 outperforms UE5.3 with DX12 by 50% -100%
with any large and realistic environment I bought
Found this explanation from Unreal Source:
“Unreal’s DX12 implementation has been known to be pretty bad, the first version (since 4.9!!!) that actually multithreads it properly is currently expected to be 5.4 and I’m pretty sure it will only be a first pass at it and 5.5 will get it better
it’s kind of insane they went with a single render thread for this long”


My fps is about x2 better in ue4. I’ve opened the third person template from ue4, added 20 scene capture components and got around 100fps in ue4. Same scene then opened in ue5 resulted in 45 fps…


it’s kind of insane they went with a single render thread for this long”, so this.
Pretty over perf. ?

Whatever, I get it, gamers want bling in general, get it. Why not both ;))

OUCH major. Well I went for 5.3 for better huge open worlds, world part, cull distance volumes, etc., lumen nanite!! Nanite is awesome, will be, for beautiful terrains streaming, as nanite allows for finer grained streaming control .