first i need to say sry 4 my englisch…its not perfect but i hope its enough to understand my question.
so i have build a large map on worldcreator 2 and put them as heightmap into my engine. everything is fine and its perfectly intigrated.
Now i ask myself whats the best way to continue this project.
I want a Openworld Survival HorrorShooter but i dont know whats the best way for performance to continue my project with levelstreaming function.
i didnt make it befor !
its my first time for levelstreaming…iam completly new in this
It is better to make inside Unreal many little sections of landscape and put them togheter as Levelstreaming or can i build my large map in one part with all that trees grass streets lights buildings and everything and slice that into many little sections to make it levelstreaming ???
Is this possible to make a complete large landscape level with all that stuff on it and slice it into many sections to make it streaming??
I hear about the levelstreaming function und know i ask myself whats the best way befor i made so many work for nothing…
Your quote says “To make it work you will need to compose your world from a smaller streaming levels (tiles).”
You still need level streaming, it’s just the World Co-ordinates of your camera are reset from, for example, X: 999,999, Y: 999,999, Z: 999,999 to X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0, with everything else being updated relative to that.