I’m getting errors for ground control points in RealityCapture, up to around 50 meters. With the same photos and ground control points in Photoscan I get an error of around 2 centimeters. I have tried setting the RC project to UTM coordinates and local coordinates and both have larger errors. The project area is about 1.5 kilometers by 0.5 kilometers. The control points were shot in with and RTK-GPS.
Hi Bill
can send me the data + project files ?
if hte GCPs are placed corectly then the repro eror shoudl by very low.
How much GCPs are you using there ? how many of the have so high reprojection error ?
can post eventually a screenshot ??
Hi Wishgranter,
The project is pretty large, around 1000 photos. The photos are 16bit tiffs. Maybe if I convert them to JPEG I could upload them, or maybe send you a different smaller project.
Here is a link to a thread that talks about adding the control points to an earlier version of the same project (with screenshots).
Project with GCP’s added after the fact
You can see the GCP errors in at least one of the posted images. In that version I had 12 control points with 4 assignments. I later added another assignment for each control point bringing the total assignment for each GCP to 5. Still had the large errors. The points are distributed pretty well across the site.
Hi Bill
OK see it even the error ranges… JPGs are the better way. And as im see need take a look on hte actual data, it could be various reasons, have something similar so let see where its the issue
Hi Wishgranter,
I’m getting ready to upload the project for you. Do want it in a zip file or rar file?
It will take a while to upload, my internet is pretty slow. It is around 3.4GB.
I’ll send a link and some information to your email when it is finished uploading.
Hi Bill
ZIP or RAR its OK
whatever its easier for you…
Wishgranter wrote:
Hi Bill
ZIP or RAR its OK
whatever its easier for you…
Email sent,
Thanks Wishgranter
I received an email that you sent me a PM, but it doesn’t show up in my inbox. I get this message “Private message could not be found.” when I hit the link in my email.
downloading now…
Hi Wishgranter,
Included in the zip file are the project images in jpeg format, the project file, a text file that contains the steps I used to create the project, a text file with the 12 ground control points used in the project. I also included a screenshot of the project in Photoscan with all 79 ground control points used along with the text file with the 79 ground control points. Please do not share the photos. Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Hi Bill
dont wory, will have NO time to do any “bad” things with it
we take all data in NDA regime, and DELETE after the issue is solved…
just search for the solution…
Hi Wishgranter,
Noted for future submissions.
I can imagine how busy you all are. Appreciate all your good work!