Large Actor Arrays vs Grouped Smaller ones?

I’m working on my AI at the moment.

I’ve got a Squad actor that spawns an array of AI characters on play, and then those AI store their On Target Perception Updated in an Array on the Squad Actor (originally had AI storing their own data, but was way too CPU intensive haha).

I’m currently using actor tags to identify teams and I’m wanting to know if it’s better to have smaller arrays that are sorted on perception updates by tags (see picture for example), or just keep the large array of all actors, then when needing to say get an enemy, get the full array, loop for each actor and check tags there etc

I’m thinking the large unsorted array might be better, as it might not be updating as much (like, I only need to reference it on BT tasks, EQS contexts, and functions like find new enemy or item etc), rather than sorting every time members of the squad see or loose sight of other actors. But then again, it’s kind of hard to say if which side of this gets called more.

But I’m just not really sure and if someone that’s more knowledgeable could advise?