I have an application that has a few scenes, with each scene having a narrator telling a story through the sequencer. I need to make a language option in the menu to support two other languages. Can anyone point me in the right direction regarding how to do this? I want the user to be able to choose the language from the menu, and the narration is replaced in each scene with the other versions. Is it best to make a separate sequencer with the other version that is then triggered? How do I do this from the menu?
This doesn’t exactly help, I won’t be changing any text on the menu/UI. I’m only working with the audio that I have set up in the sequencer, which is in segments throughout the sequencer. This is a VR application, there won’t be any captions or anything–my narrator is recording two other audio versions, and I need to swap the audio files when the language is chosen. I know it has to do with localization-- the second part of the tutorial would suggest that I could maybe make a localized asset for each sequencer (and swap out the audio files within)-- but would that automatically play in each scene? The sequencer isn’t currently set up to be triggered by a blueprint, it’s just on auto start. or should each audio file be localized-- but then how does that work with the sequencer?