Landscaping resolution

Hi, i’m trying to use landscapig to create paths to follow.

My problem is the jagged transition, even thou this is the highest resolution for the landscape i could use.

The material is setup to make everything that isn’t slightly raised pitch black and i’m looking for a quick but still smooth transition from white to black.

Is this just a limitation of the landscaping tools or am i going about this the wrong way. I could model it in blender first but if possible i would like to avoid that step.

I believe it’s due to the finite resolution of the alpha-maps Unreal uses under the hood. At some point it just has to bottom out.

That LERP is extraneous, you don’t need it in that example.

The power node is going to make the transition more harsh. Lower values will bottom out on you causing a cliff-type falloff vs smooth.

You can smooth-sample the alpha, or try something like this:

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Ah, ok smooth-stepping the Alpha did work, thx.

Can you elaborate on why i wouldn’t need a Lerp for this?

In your pic you are LERPing from 000 to 111, it;s the same as the default 0 and 1. 0 → 000 if you put a 3vec into the alpha. Same reasoning if you multiply a 3vec by a single number, you get a 3vec.

It doesn’t change anything and the compiler likely takes it out, but as an FYI.

Also, it’s my understanding that just-loading a power function can be more-expensive vs a straight-up multiply a value against itself. Until you start to get to the 10+ exponent in value, it’s more-expensive vs multiplying it out.

Your specular value is not a 3vec. It’s a 1vec/scalar.

A 0 into any node is the same as the default (metal).

Oh yeah, most of those nodes where for testing purposes.

But i see what you mean now, since this specific example only uses black and white.

But it works out perfectly after breaking it down again:
This gives me a white non reflective surface, while the black parts are mirror like.

Thx again!