There are alot of things regarding making landscapes for games that I find not so satisfying.
At first I attempted to mask out cliffs, grass and sand using bw textures. But the transition from black to white on a 2048x2048 texture is so long in the world that I end up with ~500 meters of green-tinted sand.
So I tweaked the edges of the masks with nodes, wich resulted in ~0.2 sqm big pixels of either grass or sand. And I really do not want to use 8k textures to mask the land.
Then I went the slope/height based materials approach, wich gives extremely bad precision. It does not care that I want rough grass at that xyz coordinate.
Today when I woke up I got an idea that I will attempt today wich is using spheremasks multiplied by a bw grass texture, to get jagged edges and position these masks in the world. However it sounds like a longshot to me.
Perhaps the fact I never created a landscape for a game before is the issue here Since ontop of the ground texture there will be foliage and rocks etc and I do not know how much of the ground that have to be visible and how precise it has to be.
So if anyone know of some tricks, places to get inspiration or such it would be greatly appreciated
Okay so the spheremasks turned out really nice in my opinion, that is two spheremasks covering alot of the terrain. Now back to making the materials look decent, meanwhile I need a similiar approach for the edges of the terrain type blending. So that its not as uniform, but I guess that could be done by spending more time on the terrain height map.