I had code a perlin noise terrain generate function refer to a book.
The example has use the LandscapeEditorUtils::SetHeightmapData function to recreate terrain haight.
If it’s ok, return true.
I use it, and the result is true.
But, landscape has nothing to change.
I wonder why the problem. Thanks a lot.
here the code:
ULandscapeInfo::RecreateLandscapeInfo(GetWorld(), 1);
// Get all the landscapes in the level.
TArray<ALandscape*> landscapes = GetLandscapes();
// Go thru all landscape objects..
for (ALandscape* landscape : landscapes)
FIntRect rect = landscape->GetBoundingRect();
// LandscapeEditorUtils::SetHeightmapData adds one to each dimension
// because the boundary edges may be used.
int32 cols = rect.Width() + 1, rows = rect.Height() + 1;
int32 numHeights = cols * rows;
//Info(FS("LANDSCAPE `%s` measures %dx%d has %d elts",
// *landscape->GetName(), rows, cols, numHeights));
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Landscape gogogogoogogogo"));
TArray<uint16> Data;
Data.Init(0, numHeights);
// #octaves to sum, period in x, period in y.
// The larger the period, the more variation we get
// in the lowest frequency.
int32 octaves = 16, px = 4, py = 4;
float amplitude = 1000.f;
for (int i = 0; i < Data.Num(); i++)
float nx = (i % cols) / (float)cols; //normalized col
float ny = (i / cols) / (float)rows; //normalized row
Data[i] = PerlinNoise2D(nx, ny, amplitude, octaves, px, py);
//UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("The Data: %d"), Data[i]);
bool isSuccessed = LandscapeEditorUtils::SetHeightmapData(landscape, Data);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("is Successed:%s"), isSuccessed?TEXT("Ture"):TEXT("False"));
ULandscapeInfo::RecreateLandscapeInfo(GetWorld(), 1);
// resample to ensure it works
//LandscapeEditorUtils::ResampleData<uint16>( Data, cols, rows, cols, rows );
} // each landscape