I am trying to texture a tiled landscape using weight blending but for some reason the result is very blocky. Does anyone know why? I have created height and weight maps using World Machine.
This is part of my World Machine setup and this is how I create weightmaps:
World Machine tile build setup:
Importing heightmap tiles and for testing one weighmap tileset:
This is the unexpected result I see. Looks like these blocks are exactly same size as components:
Checking weightmap raw files in Photoshop:
4 weightmap tiles (from the center) of total 16 tiles. Shouldn’t the black area in previous image (purple terrain) be similar to these shapes?
Hi ,
Try setting your resolution on your tiles to a power of 2. The closest to the 1009x1009 resolution you are currently using is 1024x1024. Additionally, make sure that the landscape coords you are using scales the textures you have properly so that they aren’t tiling too much, which will give undesirable results.
Hi ,
Many thanks for your help. I changed and tried a lot of things but I think the ultimate solution was to increase the lightmap resolution.
As far as I can see in your 3rd screenshot, you have only imported the first weightmap, the three others are showing 0 tiles…
True but the issue remained even when I tried with all weightmaps.
Hi ,
Did increasing the lightmap resolution fix the error for you?
I’m not sure anymore
I’ll try to reproduce this issue and do some testing.
■■■■, I could reproduce the issue but I could not fix it. Here is my test project and map files if anyone wants to try:
Hi ,
Try changing your Details Scale in WM to a significantly smaller number. Currently it is stretched out to 7 meters per pixel, which may be why you are seeing such blocky textures. Ideally you would want 1 pixel = 1 cm but the likelihood of most individuals owning a computer that was powerful enough to do so is incredibly small (I am running a 12 core 32 gb ram and gtx 750 and cannot do so), so simply get it as low as your computer can handle. I am building a wm landscape now to test this myself for another user with a similar issue.
Hi ,
We have not heard from you in quite some time. I am marking this thread as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please comment and let us know so we can continue to attempt to diagnose the error.