I’m still very much learning many of these processes, so I’m sure I’ve messed up something simple, but I’m hoping someone will be able to point me in the right direction.
I’m attempting to import textures onto my heightmap using masks exported from Gaea. For the most part, this works just fine, however only after implementing RVTs the system seems to be taking issue with a specific layer. Here is what it looks like before I import my beach/sand layer that sits in between the grass and the ocean-
and here is what it looks like after I import the beach texture-
The texture itself is working ok and you can see that it applied to the landscape, but it also causes some tiles, even tiles that are mostly grass, to seemingly break their connection with the material. They are sub-tiles to the proxies, so it isn’t entire proxies that are affected. They follow the beach line around the map pretty loosely.
Any ideas as to what mistake I may be making are appreciated!