Landscape Texture Blurred in Movie Render Queue Result

I am using Virtual Textures. When I try to render in Movie Render Queue, I am getting this message :

Resizing Virtual Texture, and then the whole landscape gets blurry.

How do I stop it?

I have found that flying through the whole map (which resizes the RVT) and then rendering solves this problem about 90% of the time. I also saw that if one frame is loaded then the subsequent frames are also ok.

What version are you on? Are you running out of room in your VT memory pool?

Sorry I did not mention the version. It was on Unreal 5.4.2 .

Regarding Poolsize warnings, I did not get any. Just the Resizing Virtual Texture popups just before rendering.

But I learned about the poolsize from other threads and included an increased poolsize cvar in the movie render queue settings.

Also I tried with the fixed pool. That too did not solve the problem. Only fix right now is roaming around the section where I am rendering. At this point it’s almost superstitious lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you have texture streaming enabled?

No I don’t think so. I am using RVT for a landscape material, and the textures in it are not virtual textures.

I just tried to enable Virtual Texture Streaming for all the landscape textures, and it became very blurry. I also got very frequent Resizing Virtual Textures popup while trying so!

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