Landscape Tessellation/Quad Density

I’m a little confused. I thought there was a way to increase the subdivisions of a landscape to make it “higher poly”. The resolution of your heightmap controls the size of the world, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to use a higher resolution heightmap in a smaller world size. For example, using an 8K heightmap on a 4K landscape. The end result is that the landscape constantly looks really low poly when you’re walking around the world.

I can’t for the life of me find any info on how to fix this. I’ve tried increasing the section size, sections per component, and number of components, but all of these settings result in the size of the world increasing, rather than polygon density. I even tried using the Resize tool to increase the quads and keep the world scale by resampling, but this scaled up the world anyway.

Is this even possible to do?

Import the 8k heightmap, get an 8k landscape.

Scale landscape by 0.5 you get a 4k landscape. Same quads, 2x density.

The retopologize tools simply moves the vertex around for you so you get a somewhat more even distrivution in those areas though.

Why not just use meshes for cliffs like you know you ought to? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Map size / import size.
Whatver you do you are locked in to 1 vertex per meter and 1 meter^2 per pixel.
Even if you scale up/down.

You would need to upsample a 4k map to 8k, import it as 8k, and reduce it by 50%.
And the upsample process usually destroys your map data (because its data, not a graphic).
A light radial blur can sometimes work ok. But generally it doesn’t…

If you want more, impor

That’s what I said! :smiley: But just-make the 8k heightmap so you will only be sampling-down, not up.down.

It doesn’t ADD data the mix, but b/c the landscape is physically shrunk, you can at least increase the vertex-density for WPO operations.

And I agree with you, use the gross-configuration of the landscape in the heightmap, and meshes for detail.

Scaling a landscape kills your performance and introduces myriad issues in other systems, so this is not a good idea.

because I’m being lazy. lol. I was just hoping there was a system that I wasn’t aware of in UE5. I’m surprised that turning nanite on didn’t help any. I thought it would tesselate the landscape and turn it into a mesh. :frowning:

I’ve not seen this in practice.

It is the same amount of information, why should it cost (much) more?

Its not. Your LODs for one go bonkers, since they are based on size on screen and that value is supposed to be based on a scale of 100.
When you dovide your current value you do not get anywhere the same result…

On top of that you double your tris count on a base scene for no reason at all in most areas…

Its not a very sane idea overall.

I had neglected the LODs being based on screen-size, yes, my mistake. For me everything is usually abstracted behind a heightmesh, so I don’t think it would matter so much?

For collision is the only reason I tried to play around with smaller landscapes.

I’ve not really played with nanite-tessellation for landscapes as 5.3 perf is not-great 5.4 is yuk, so waiting on 5.5…