Landscape splines leave 'ghost' mesh after resampling landscape

Basically, I was painting the landscape and it was coming out low res, so I decided to resample it. Originally I was at 63x63, and I resampled to 127x127. After finishing the process, my landscape splines I had down as a road looked very thin, as if half the size (possibly squeezed to half size from doubling the landscape resolution). I selected a control point to have the mesh suddenly update back to the correct size - the only problem being that the weird smaller one remained, and is now unselectable and moves with the landscape as if a real spline, nothing else seems to affect them.

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Solved myself, thought I would post answer to help others and also to get bug logged.

Restarted Ue4, splines were now entirely gone, but control points still selectable, just had to go round and wiggle each control point to force it to update.

This is what worked for my resample error:

Select the entire mesh after you can make it re-appear, then click on the “move to current level” button then click on the Deform Landscape to Splines: “All Splines” button, then rebuild level and error should disappear.