Landscape Splines and Blueprint Splines - Working Together, or Working Apart?

So, I feel like there’s a disconnect between Landscape Splines and Spline Mesh creation I’m missing - or, it’s there and I’m unsure how to best address what I’m trying to do.

My goal is to make a basic off-road area that the Advanced Vehicle Blueprint can drive around in, both to drive (pun sorta intended) my understanding of the engine and it’s landscape features and also to create something my young son has to play while I’m creating other projects. I’m starting basic, and reviewed the Track Builder exercise from the Unreal Live Stream on Youtube, and also have the project files added into the new project I’ve created.

Right now, I have a landscape mesh which has been deformed by heightmaps I’ve created in WorldMachine; using the Lanscape Spline tool I’ve further deformed the mesh to accomodate a basic road, and for fun I’ve attached the road mesh from that tutorial project to drive around on. I’d like to actually build a road on the terrain that can make use of the features available in a blueprint spline mesh though, such as adding meshes at certain points, displaying spline numbers, etc, and keep it tied as tightly as I can to the landscape spline tool so I don’t have to duplicate work or continuously make adjustments between the terrain spline and the spline blueprint.

I guess there’s actually a few questions here, as well as a sanity check. Can these two different spline systems play nice, or should I be using one over the other? Can a blueprint spline have any effect on a landscape mesh and should I ditch the Landscape Spline Tool entirely? If not, how can I minimize the amount of duplicate work involved in deforming a landscape mesh in the landscape tool, and adjusting a blueprint-based road mesh to fit?

I’m shocked this wasn’t answered.

I’m curious as well; to the best of my knowledge, landscapes cannot be adjusted in Blueprints. I would think that would include splines. If splines could do the trick, however, that would be an amazing boon to my own work.


looks at the date and gains a level in Thread necromancy


I actually would still like to know the answer to this as well. Did something happen in the last 3 years that changed the original problem because I can’t seem to find it?

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I linked the answer, but I guess the docs changed since then. New link:…ine/index.html

In case it changes again sometime in the future as people are looking back for an answer, I’m linking to the “Editor Apply Spline” blueprint node which can deform a landscape using a spline.


But this is destructive solution. :frowning:

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Sometime after the previous comments in this thread Epic added Landscape Edit Layers and the Landmass plugin. Landmass allows non-destructive landscape editing through blueprint brushes. This includes splines.

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