Every time I try to create a standalone game in the level I’m currently in it crashes. But I can create one in other levels. I don’t know what to look for to find out what’s wrong with the level I’m using now.
Fatal error: [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\UObjectGlobals.cpp] [Line: 1039] Attempted to create a package named ‘None’
At some point you appear to be trying to construct an object without a valid name. That might either be in native code or you have a dropdown in blueprints that should be pointing to an object.
It’ll be something in a dropdown in that case. It might say “None” where there should be something that’s required. If it’s a runtime crash you’ll be able to trace it in the Message Log and/or Output Log (Menu > Window > Log).
I found out the problem. It’s an issue with a spline actor I have apart of the landscape. Once I delete it, no more crashing. Once I add a spline actor back again, the crashing starts.
I turned off “Is Spatially Loaded” for the LandscapeSplineActor and now the crashing has stopped. This was probably a noob mistake but here is the fix for all the other noobs out there lol.