I’m having some issues importing my Landscape from World Machine to UE4. I’m getting the overhang problem, I’ve tried crunching the numbers 20x, watching tutorials on Youtube and crawling the forums here and still having trouble.
And here is my Landscape material if anyone is interested, it’s using a splat map generated from World Machine, with the size set at 4096 in that pic but I think it does need to be set at 4097[?]
On your screenshots exported heightmap has 4097x4097 size, and you import it as a 4336x4336 size. So landscape has to add some dummy data on heightmap borders to fit it.
I figured out some settings that worked, but I realized that they were clipping the edges off. I’m trying the numbers that you gave. Thanks for the help. I’ll post a screenshot when I get one with the numbers.