So I’m mainly just testings and getting a feel for using UE4 in this game/project. And I was working with landscapes and got everything going just fine like it always has been, then added a foliage type grass to my landscape material to make it spawn the 3D grass with the base grass layer. This is when the problems have introduced themselves. First off, the grass does not render super far away, that’s just a minor inconvenience though. Second, I cannot correctly sculpt or paint the landscape… before adding the foliage grass I could sculpt fine, but still not paint. What happens for sculpting is: I have to be using a large size brush >~750 or it does nothing at all, but when I use a size that does do something it is very picky when it wants to work or not, also it does not sculpt very smoothly, as in it sculpts in triangle pyramids only, the smooth option does not work at all, the noise option works but only with an even larger brush size. As for the painting, my Target Layer materials are just Grey balls, they only turned to that after I added 2 more layers (another dirt texture and grass texture) but the ground is still the base grass texture, I can paint, only with larger sized brushes only and for some reason (only tested with 2 textures) when I paint the base grass texture it leaves an outline around where I painted with the next texture in line, even if what I’m painting over is all already the same thing I’m painting it… very confusing. Next thing wrong: the few areas I got to sculpt into little pyramid shapes makes the 3d grass foliage “float”. where the land starts to angle up (this may be just because I can’t smooth it and it’s too sharp of an angle, not sure) the grass stops touching the ground, for reference the grass usually is around the players ankles but when I stand right where the land starts to angle up it’s at the players neck, not touching the ground. I think that’s all the problems… I’ve spent hours trying to fix this with nothing, I can;t figure it out and really need some help, thanks! I could add some screen shots but my internet is soo bad It’s honestly so bad that it would be a pain for em to try and upload screenshots to here, If someone absolutely would need them I guess I will but hopefully I described enough…