I just learning landscape and painting. Suddenly when I trying to sculpt anywhere it suddenly turning to black or gray. And I cannot figure out why this happen.
After that I deleted my landscape material (use to default material) it is still happening!
Lastly I deleted my landscape, re-created it with default engine material (no material selected). When I try to sculpt my landscape, it is still happening.
Here is a image for problem.
it is not happening on empty project. Also when I build lights its gone but still black/gray areas slightly seems. And when sculpt it again appers.
I have no light in the scene. It is just suddenly appered. Or I just messed up some configurations mistakenly?
Note: Also this problem not occuring when create new level/map. It is just happening on current map
I don’t have any skylight and directional light. I tried to add skylight and directional light to my level but this problem still appering. I’m trying this problem on new/empty project it is working without problem. Also I have skysphere but it is just default settings.
But it is impossible to edit your terrain when this problem happening. Because some areas getting pure black. I added directional light, skylight to my scene but this is still happening. Also on new/empty project is working perfectly.
Ok I think it is expected behaviour. I’m not using any lightining and just using world settings enviorement color. When you start to edit your landscape it is going to pure black because of this settings.
When I add directional light to my scene this problem slightly gone but my landscape components going to gray because of I have diffrent envrioment color (default black).
So, leave default enviroment colors, and add light to your scene the problem is gone.
I think is not good idea to edit your landscape without light : ) (just using enviroment color.)
I do have a couple of questions that could help narrow down the possibilities of what is causing the grid like material on your landscape.
1.) Are your lights set to static, stationary, or movable.
a.) Static and Stationary require a light build in order to calculate how those lights will behave in the scene.
b.) Movable is more expensive in terms of FPS and draw calls because it is constantly updated.
2.) If you would please link your DxDiag
3.) You mentioned that the landscape was behaving as expected in a new project.
A.) Are you using a blank project for the one that is not working or is it one of the ones that you can choose from upon launching UE4.
Please let me know the answers to these questions and I will attempt to recreate this issue,