Hey, I was having some issues when rendering a cinematic in 4.25 - wondering if anyone could help with this issue? The cinematic comes out from the sequencer render, but because of these issues it freezes the High Quality Media Export when I try to render from there.
Same here. I read in another question/answer that it is because the landscape has a grass texture that uses displacement. I’m investigating presently…
hello sometimes it happens if you try to “move1” the landscape when you play the game . Sounds wierd i know, but if you still have the issue, check if you are using sequencer , and take a look if there are any transform setting refers the landscape.
ue 5.1 now, still getting this error. I did have a lvl sequence animating the landscape by accident, briefly, which I removed, then even deleted the whole level sequence. Still getting the issue though.
I think this is issue one of the creepiest one. Once you add the landscape to any sequencer, it marks the landscape moveable. and i think there is no way to revert it if you dont use any version controlling .