Landscape problems still

ok thought i’d have another quick look at landscape, seems like its still full of bugs.
started a new clean empty project
imported a few diffuse textures
created a basic simple material using the “terrain layer weight nodes”
in the default map i deleted the ground mesh and created a landscape using the default settings, added my material did a bit of painting and go this

yes i have rebuilded the map and saved the lighting.

could you please tell us if this system is usable in the current build of rocket or should we wait till its fixed

I’ve had no real major issues with using landscapes, I did notice that lighting issue you are mentioning, but I had the same issue with landscapes in ue3.

If you see those weird shadows, I found that just by repainting over them it would clear them away, triggering whatever kind of lighting recomputation was required

if you paint new stuff, or even change the terrain height in these shadowed areas, do the shadows retreat?

I have only ever had to do this once per landsacpe I think, and whenever I added new cells/components, they seem to start with that 0 lightning thing, but I just paint overi t and it goes away

nope i still get problems with landscape which i’ve had for a few builds now, who knows maybe it just doesn’t like my computer
intel i5 + gf550it = 8 gb ram + win7 64

What Phillip is describing is what I was saying worked for me as well, since I started with a landscape with 3 layers, have you tried that?

"I just painted on it with another layer-> e.g When the shadow appears on a grass layer, then paint over it with a rock layer,… (Choose a very large brush!!!) Now those black surfaces should disappear.

When this doesnt work with one of your textures, then just add a new layer (e.g forest ground) and reapply the material to the landscape. Now when the black surfaces are still there, paint with the new layer (e.g forest ground) over them."

seems to have sorted it, though basically i had to do that for each layer eg paint the whole area or most of it.

looks like the landscape shows the base texture when you apply the material to it but it doesn’t create the blend masks till you actually paint the areas which is why the thing stalls to compile the shaders, good idea to wait till its done.

now i’m of to find some decent tilable textures :slight_smile: thanks guys

You’re welcome!

Glad you got it all figured out :slight_smile:


I had the same problem 1 week ago.

How I solved it:

I just painted on it with another layer-> e.g When the shadow appears on a grass layer, then paint over it with a rock layer,… (Choose a very large brush!!!) Now those black surfaces should disappear.

When this doesnt work with one of your textures, then just add a new layer (e.g forest ground) and reapply the material to the landscape. Now when the black surfaces are still there, paint with the new layer (e.g forest ground) over them.

I nearly have the same pc specs, but in my case this bug doesnt appear very often → until now just 1 time

gf 660 ti
8 GB ram
w7 64 bit

I get this. Its pretty ugly. Repainting is not an option because its a hand painted texture. It will take hours to go and select all the little specs where this is appearing