Landscape painting - very laggy

Hi! Running 5.0.2. Whenever I try to paint on my landscape, the FPS dips to under 1. The culprit is Landscape Layer Copy Texture:

This is pretty new. It first happened when my shader compression format (Project Settings → Engine/Rendering) was set to Oodle. I changed it to LZ4 and that fixed it. However, since then it regressed somehow and I’m still on LZ4 (though every shader compression format has the same effect). It never happened on UE4.

I’ve tried a number of things including:

  • Removing grass maps from the material
  • Removing most landscape layers
  • Toggling a variety of ShowFlags
  • Changing the RHI

Of interest, when I paint all the grass disappears until I’m done painting (though removing grass outputs in the material has no effect).

It’s map specific - creating a new landscape and painting it on a new map has no lag.

Any ideas?

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Figured it out. Edit Layers turned on on the landscape destroyed my performance. Turned it off and painting is buttery again.



Awesome. Saved me some headaches. For those looking, this is in the details panel of the main landscape actor.