Landscape Paint Tutorials?

Hey all

Where i can find recent Landscape Paint tutorials?

I followed some YT videos but not getting same results, in fact Target Layers don’t show anything



using 4.6.1 btw

You have to click onto the little “+” beside the layers -> create one. After that you can follow the youtube tutorials :slight_smile:

"To the right of the names, there is an icon of a Plus Sign. Clicking on the Plus sign icon will bring up another menu that will ask what type of layer you would like to add. For this example, please pick the Weight-Blended Layer(normal) option. " -> in the documentation page that you posted


i cant find “+”

  1. create a landscape material
  2. assign the material to the landscape -> details panel
  3. click onto the +
  4. start painting :slight_smile:

got it

the problem was a previous texture applied to the entire landscape, this texture is just a reference so i can paint it over with quality texture, is it possible?