Landscape paint tool

hey guys
in my landscape editor i do not have any option to put in a target layer so i can paint on a material i have been trying all week to find a Tutorial but can not find one for the paint editor.

do not have this option

or so when i go into paint mode the cursor will not move in the view point

You need to apply a material that uses the landscape layer nodes to your landscape actor.

This tutorial shows you how to do what you want.


Hi ,

Depending on how you set your material up that may not show up. You have to use layer blends to create that list, which will show up in paint mode after you set the landscape to have your layered material. If you are using world aligned blends without any layers or weighted layers, this will not appear.

thank you very much guys :slight_smile:

Does the materials come with the programe, or I have to upload theme? Is just that I don´t find theme in the materials box. Actually theres nothing with the name of landscape. Could you help me?

Hello !
I am still getting the problem of the target layer options invisibility! I cant understand why because i am doing what unreal engine documentation says and also like you guided in the previous comment. I may b late for the comment but any help would be great. Thanks

Hi Asad_kaleem,

Can you show me a screenshot of your material setup? Additionally, what steps are you taking to paint the material on the landscape?

I don’t have the same

I am having the same problem even though I did exactly what it said to do in this tutorialwww…com/watch?v=CkAlenO9q1Q