I am making a mobile application and I have set the orientation to Landscape.
This app will always be landscape when in play but the download background is vertical only.
When I download an OBB file, the vertical image gets squished and it looks really bad.
Is there any way to set a landscape oriented download background?
I tried to replace the vertical image with a landscape oriented version with no luck.
Here’s an image of the problem in action:
Hey So2gamemake,
- What kind of device are you working on?
- Does it happen with every device you deploy to?
- Does this happen on a newly created project?
In order to better assist you, please follow these steps to obtain additional logs for me to review.
- Attach your phone to the computer
- Go here: C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
- Open up Monitor.bat
- Launch the program and save the logs
If you cannot get Monitor.bat to open, please go to:
- C:\android-sdk-windows\tools\lib\monitor-x86
- Open up Monitor.exe
- Follow the instructions above
Make sure that you highlight all of the logs, because they do not save unless they’re highlighted.
What kind of device are you working on?
Samsung Galaxy S6.
Does it happen with every device you deploy to?
Yes, although all devices I’m using are Galaxy type devices.
Does this happen on a newly created project?
Yes it did.
I have sample data here:
Google VR Crash: set orientation to sensor - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums
Running Monitor.bat resulted in the following error message:
The error that you received from Monitor.bat is not one I’ve seen before. It may be due to having a different java installed than CodeWorks for Android.
Regarding your image, if you simply replace it with a 1280x720 image and copy the downloader_progress.xml in Engine/Build/Java/res/layout to your project’s Build/Android/res/layout (make the directories). And then, edit downloader_progress.xml and change the android:orientation=“vertical” to “horizontal”. Everything should work properly for you.
We do not need the logs at this time, unless the information provided does not fix the orientation. But you may want to look into the reason why you can’t open Monitor.bat because it is a way to capture logs from your device.
Good luck, let me know if I can assist you any further.
Apologies for the late reply.
Thank you, I will try this! Since this is in my Engine build folder and not project build folder, I guess I’ll have to edit downloader_progress.xml every time I want to change the orientation of the download background.
Is there any way I could do this on a per project basis instead?
Not at this time but I did put a bug in for it, UE-32318. If you’d like updates for this , please reply back after providing us some time to resolve this issue.
Thank you for the update.
I uploaded a sample project I replicated the bug on here.
I hope it helps you:
Thank you!
UE-32318 has been fixed within our internal editor, it’ll be released in the future. Keep a look out for UE-32318 in the release notes.