Landscape not accepting any further sculpting/painting edit anymore

Hi, I ran into this issue that my landscape cannot be edit anymore, no further sculpting or painting is effecting the landscape.
It seems like the height map and paint layers can’t take in any information now.
I felt like this because,

  1. if I create a new map and new landscape, it works fine.
  2. if I create a new landscape within the same map, it works fine.
  3. if I add a new component section in the problemetic landscape, the new section works fine, but not the previous component sections. And also the adjacent section will pop up like taking in some new height info.

I’m workiing on a world partition map, with runtime virtual texture, and landmass spline. All of these works fine togethher before this recent issue.

Does anyone know what may be the problem and how to fix this? Thank you!

Managed to get around a temp fix, by exporting the landscape height map and create a new landscape then import the height map, then copy the landmass splines and paste while in landscape mode. Solve most problem, but still a bit offset on some areas of the landscape