Landscape materials on mobile preview

Hey guys, i was wondering if anyone could tell me if landscape materials are supported in mobile ?
ive made a simple shader for the landscape containing just two textures.
First texture renders fine on mobile, but wherever i paint blend the second texture, that section of the landscape becomes untextured somehow.

Any reason for this? maybe a limitation?

Everything is working fine on the viewport and on standalone mode.

Howdy flashed,

Thank you for reporting this issue. Just need a bit more information before i dig into this issue. Would you be able to attach your DXdiag and your Project log files to this post? Which version of UE4 would you be using and is that version a Binary or Source?

Any additional information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and have a great day!

so after some debugging, i found out that what was causing the issue was some maps connected to the roughness…
So aparrently i cant use roughness maps on landscape materials? only scalar values? currently i can only have diffuse and normal + some scalar values or metallic and roughness. otherwise textures wont load on mobile preview

Which device are you currently using to deploy to?

We have an issue in our bug tracker, “UE-5196 Landscape material renders to default material in Mobile Preview” which we’re looking at for 4.7. I’ll add the info about metallic and roughness in there. Thanks for the report.