Landscape Material, Shader is using too many SRVs

Hello everyone,

I’ve been trying to create a Landscape (4033x4033) with World partition, i’m using a height map generated from GAEA and using Water plugin from unreal.

My Landscape Material has a Landscape Layer Blend Node with 5 options (A,B,C,D and E) using LB Height Blend for all layers. (My materials has distance blending and texture cell bombing using a texture mask) the textures is from Megascan and the textures samplers is using Shared: Wrap.

The material A , i did fill as default for landscape. B,C and D , i fill importing a height map for cliffs, erosion and wear sand.

However when i try fo fill the Layder D, is breaking the material and using default material, when i looked in the logs i saw the following message:

Shader is using too many SRVs: 79 (only 64 supported)

Isn’t possible use more than 3 layers with LB Height Blend? Should I use the LB Weight or alpha? the LB Height Blend looks cool and more natural, i would like to use more layers if possible.

I would appreciate the help or new ideas, thanks a lot.

Seems we can’t stack more than 3 layers, and can’t have too much textures samples.

You can’t have/ should never have more than 3 layers per landscape component. Even with textures on shared wrap.

Height blends also use additional samples usually


Thanks a lot.