Material thumbnails is black, material preview in material editor too, landscape as well. So certainly something is wrong. There are screenshots+notes how my landscape material is constructed. (I’ve opted to use material functions to avoid repetition, keep nodes clean and get a nice flexibility). For simplicity, it has only 2 materials until I learn why it’s not working.
Master material: textures on left as Texture Object → function that samples texture objects, UV’s+tiles them and blends depending on distance → layer blend → result material node
Inside the function (let’s call it ‘terrain function’): Texture2D inputs on left (they grab input from Texture Objects from previous screenshot) → then they split to two groups of duplicate functions that input Texture Objects into Texture Samples and assign them UVs (Landscape Coords) and tiling. Each group has a separate tiling scalar (so material appear to be slightly different in far distances). Let’s call sampling function ‘sampler function’, screenshot later. After sampler functions, they’re distance blended thanks to two functions. One function blends textures (‘blending function’), second creates distances from camera to input into blending functions (‘distances function’).
‘terrain function’
‘sampler function’
‘blending function’
‘distances function’